Jewish Post

About Us

The Jewish Post is an independent newspaper reporting on news of Jewish Interest in the United States, Israel, and throughout the world.  While our print edition is limited to the New York metropolitan market we have visitors to our website from throughout North America, Europe, and the rest of the world.

The Jewish Post was established in 1933 in Indianapolis and grew to five editions throughout the United States.  In 1974 the New York edition became a separate publication which has evolved into the current Jewish Post.

Our newspaper is proud to call for unity between the religions.  Through the years prominent members of the Christian, Muslim, Hindu and Buddhist faiths, including the Dalai Lama, have provided their messages in support of understanding between various religions in the Jewish Post.  Likewise, civil rights activists like Coretta Scott King and business leaders like Russell Simmons have spoken out in the Jewish Post encouraging better relations between Jews and African Americans. 

The Jewish Post has only one constituency, our readers.  We look to present the facts and strive to reveal the truth in each story.  Our foremost concern will always be the safety and well-being of the State of Israel and of Jewish people throughout the world.